Ocular phase, oil on canvas, 35,44"x 35,44"
Volcanic eclipse, oil on canvas, 35,44” x 35,44”
Night vision, oil on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Emerging magenta, oil on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Fungi talks, oil on canvas, 27,56" x 35,44"
Orfe mind, oil on canvas, 27,56" x 35,44"
Moon garden, acrylic on canvas, 27,56" x 35,44"
Living inside, acrylic on canvas, 27,56" x 35,44"
Physical properties, acrylic on canvas, 27,56" x 35,44"
Fertility level, acrylic on canvas, 35,44" x 27,56"
Connective tissue, oil and acrylic on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Cell universe, oil and acrylic on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Vishnu here, acrylic and oil on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Saffron wood, acrylic and oil on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Early blooming, acrylic and oil on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44" x "
Shoaling shapes, oil on canvas, 35,44" x 35,44"
Swifts geometry, oil on canvas, 35,44" x 27,56"
Resolving opposites, oil and acrylic on canvas, 35,44" x 27,56"
Furaribi enveloped, oil on canvas, 27,56" x 35,44"
Archipelago imaging, oil and acrylic on canvas, 35,44" x 27,56"